That Debate

Debates are almost never about convincing your adversary of the rightness of your position, but of convincing the audience.

Therefore, I didn’t watch tonight’s debate. 20,000+ lies, 200,000+ American lives lost, that’s all I need to know. It’s Biden who should be the next President.

I have seen inevitable snippets, sadly. Trump made me quite ill. It’s as if he’s five steps behind everyone else, and doesn’t realize it.

But I cannot comment on it. I have been convinced of his utter failings since the Republican primary debates of 2016. So what’s the point?

For the audience to see what a shitshow the Trump Administration has turned into.

I hope that in the following two debates, Biden, at some point, will get to ask the pro-Trumpers a simple question: How can you live with the knowledge that you voted for someone who has lied 20,000 times in 4 years? Weren’t you taught any morals, any ethics?

One more thing: I received a Jason Lewis phone call a day or two ago, and I’m embarrassed to say I was not ready. See, you have to have a line or two rehearsed. I started yelling at him, and he hung up, but that’s not so great. The real best line is this:

Does your mother know what you’re doing, shilling for a Trump Republican? Isn’t she ashamed of you? How did you turn out so bad.

I’d guess I’d never get to say the third line to a live phone.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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