To The Shame Of Wisconsin Voters For Johnson

Yeah, no humor in that post title. Politico reports on Senator Johnson’s (R-WI) latest fiasco:

But an interim report, issued by Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) less than six weeks before the presidential election and released publicly on Wednesday, is largely a compilation of previously public information — some of it rehashed anew by witnesses who already testified during the House’s impeachment inquiry last year — as well as news articles and strongly worded insinuations with little evidence to back them up. [Politico]

It’s a little surprising that Senator Grassley also signed on to that mess – he at least used to have a good reputation. On the other hand, his hurried rubber-stamping of Trump’s judicial nominees in the first two years of Trump’s term were hardly a dignified, exacting approach to the matter.

But it’s the work primarily of Wisconsin’s Senator Johnson, who really seems to have put his foot into a pothole here. No new information? No investigators scoring authentic data from Ukraine?

Not even new fake information?

I don’t bring up that last point as a rhetorical flourish, but to make salient a common refrain concerning the GOP: they’re a bunch of third-raters. If Johnson was better, he’d have at least made up some fake information.

If he was a competent and honorable Senator, he would have simply said he didn’t find anything new. But, no, he has to paddle around the Swamp of Trump and skim off the skin that’s formed on it.

I cannot imagine what Wisconsin voters were thinking when they reelected him back in 2016.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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