Spawning The New Republican Party

Reuters is reporting on a new Republican, or former Republican, group announcing its support for Democrat Joe Biden:

Nearly 100 Republican and independent leaders will endorse Democrat Joe Biden for president on Thursday, including one-time 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld and the former Republican governors of Michigan and New Jersey, people involved in the effort told Reuters.

The latest Republican-led effort to oppose the re-election of President Donald Trump also includes current and former Republicans in the key battleground state of Michigan that will help decide the outcome of the Nov. 3 election, the group’s members said.

Called ‘Republicans and Independents for Biden’, the group is headed by Christine Todd Whitman, a former Republican governor of New Jersey who has become one of Trump’s fiercest critics and who spoke at the recent Democratic National Convention in support of Biden.

Steve Benen provides a comprehensive summary of Republicans Endorsing Biden here.

Source: Uncertain. Sort of like its future.

Skipping any jokes about how enthusiasm for Biden exceeds enthusiasm for Trump on the right side of the political spectrum, we may be seeing the beginning of the formation of a new Republican Party. The old Republican Party, the GOP, will continue its skid to the right, losing members who are, ironically, less and less moderate – but no longer acceptable to the Trumpists.

And while, in the short-term, the cavalcade of the more moderate Republicans to Biden will help ensure votes for Biden from the undecided independents and moderate Republicans, in the long-term many of these people are contributors to the pathological specimen that is the Republican Party. If they believe Trump is an anomaly and all will snap back to normal after Trump is roundly defeated, then they mistake their erstwhile Party.

This is nothing new for long-time readers. My themes on this matter are toxic team politics, religion and politics mixing and the consequent disdain for science, and, in common with the Democratic far-left, a palpable loathing for those fellow Americans who don’t fall into line with them, a belief that abortion should somehow be a crime, or, as I call it, the great crowbar of American politics, and those who disagree are intolerable monsters – rather than just folks with a differing opinion on a subject that some find difficult.

Without repairing these faults – a word that seems entirely inadequate to the situation – I fear a new Republican Party will suffer the same fate as it appears will befall the current GOP – taken over by any power-hungry and/or God-driven righteous person who can shout RINO! loudly enough.

Senator Barry Goldwater, right-wing fringer that he was, sure sounded the right alarm on this group.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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