A Confused Conservative

The conservative conundrum?

A few hours before President Trump accepted the Republican nomination on the White House South Lawn, Mike Baker and his wife went on a meandering, three-hour drive near their Bloomington, Ind., home.

On the ride, they mulled the upcoming election, debating whether they could separate the president’s policy from his personality, and if it mattered.

Baker, still undecided, had watched some of both political conventions over the past two weeks, supplementing his observations with newspaper articles and socially distanced conversations with friends.

On Thursday night he tuned in, hoping for an answer.

It didn’t come. [WaPo]

I dunno, Mr. Baker.

Would you trust an employee who lies whenever it makes him look better than the truth might? Before you take that as hyperbole, look at the 20,000+ lies in the WaPo Fact Checker database. Take a few out for some investigation and validation. Do the math – it’s not how many days between lies, but how many lies per day.

And remember – Mr Trump is an employee of the American people, not the king. That makes this question crucially important to every American to bring to the forefront of their analysis. If you decide to vote for Mr. Trump, then you must own all of those lies, and all the lies he’ll tell in the future. You must realize that you’re putting your own business at risk because you cannot predict future actions by Mr. Trump if he’s reelected.

As a business owner, how can you possibly do that?

I can understand, sir, if you, your wife, and all your colleagues choose to sit this election out, although Republican cries that Joe Biden, a quintessential centrist who still believes in working across the aisle in order to accomplish good governance, are not credible. Whether this makes him a beacon of goodness in our current fierce fog of partisanship, or a fool with a torch, I don’t know. But it doesn’t make him a far-left radical. He’s the thing that Trump is not – they’ve both made mistakes, but Biden admits to them, apologizes, analyzes, and adjusts. Trump makes mistakes, and there is no more comparison. Full stop.

But I cannot understand you putting your business at risk for an employee who veritably thinks an adherence to truth is for suckers. If your vote leans to Trump, then I perceive there’s little point in noting the vast corruption that associates with names such as Pruitt, Zenanke, Flynn, Cohen, Stone, and so many others in Trump’s orbit; the sucking up to known, dangerous national adversaries; and the vast hubris associated with this amateur who has not improved a single whit since day one. Do you prefer employees who do not improve over time?

I should only remind you that, without a happy & prosperous United States, which, under Trump, we certainly are not, your business can not exist for long.

“There’s so many of these issues that on the surface seem like this administration has somewhat delivered,” Baker said Friday morning. “I don’t think having a proper immigration policy is a bad thing. Total lawlessness is not a good thing. There’s a lot of these things that I think have happened that I think are good long term.”

But for this, those who consider Trump a disaster owe you a debt. It brings to the fore and authenticates issues that Trump’s official rivals must properly advance as answers. Yes, as President Obama pointed out, this lawlessness cannot go on, for it’ll wreck the cities. This does not mean simple repression, but an investigation into the suppression of the communities of color, the elimination of opportunities for them, and how to excise those foul elements propagating these injustices from our society. Efforts have already begun in this area, but it remains a fragile effort, and will be until people such as you contribute ideas to it, much as have employees, such as those of the various sports leagues.

I leave it to those who speak officially for Biden and the Democrats to delineate their policies more cleanly on those issues and others that may concern confused conservatives. But you are to be thanked for making some of your concerns clear.

So. Thank you.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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