A Gentle Reminder To Political Appointees

This is of concern, via Steve Benen:

The debate that’s coming into focus is centered around an unsettling question: are “reform” efforts at USPS [by Louis DeJoy, new head of the USPS] part of a deliberate political campaign?

These questions are getting louder. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wrote on Twitter yesterday, “Mail delays could mean delays for mail-in ballots, essential supplies, and life-saving medications. Louis DeJoy is the Betsy DeVos of the Postal Service, and he’s sabotaging his own agency when its work has never been more important.”

I think the Biden campaign should put out an announcement that, in the event of a Biden victory, all Trump political appointees concerning whom credible complaints are made will be thoroughly investigated, and those found to have engaged in malfeasance will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Sometimes reminders are helpful. If nothing else, some appointees will consult with their lawyers, and, realizing their contemplated actions might leave them open to a legal attack, desist their maleficent ways.

At least it would generate some conversation.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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