Across The Abyss, Ctd

After my semi-rant concerning encrypted devices and communications a reader retorts:

I am pro-Apple on this one. Especially in light of the current administration.

And, of course, that’s a difficult objection to overcome. The rampant corruption in the Trump Administration makes it hard to foster the necessary trust that proper procedures would be followed if there was a way to defeat the encryption. I cannot fault my reader for their stance.

But I am still struck by the absolutist positions of Apple and their allies, as I cannot help but see the parallels with our political world at this time. And it worries me. Along with the rightly distrusted Trump Administration, I worry that its legacy will be distrust of the very government we hire to keep us safe.

And I wonder if that will turn out to be its worst legacy.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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