Projection City

From The American Independent:

Experts have repeatedly warned about reopening states before the data shows conditions are safe enough. In testimony before the Senate on Tuesday, at which Scott was in attendance as a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Dr. Anthony Fauci said reopening states too early could lead to “spikes that might turn into outbreaks.”

From the May 13 edition of Fox News’ “Fox & Friends”:

BRIAN KILMEADE, co-host: The problem is, I’m led to believe, just by looking at what’s going on with red and blue states, the blue governors are reluctant to open up their states, and the reds seem more than willing to do it, and I’m wondering if you see politics in this?

SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): I smell the stench of politics, partisan politics driving behavior for election results, not focusing on supersound science, as Dr. Scott Atlas said.

Supersound science is where we should focus our attention that leads us to the conclusion that, if you don’t have two underlying conditions, the chances are, you’re going to be okay. If you’re under the age of 60, the chances are really high you’re going to be okay, and in South Carolina, if you’re under the age of 20, we’ve had not a single death.

So we have a lot to celebrate and we need to look at the information and the facts through a prism of optimism, and not simply through the prism of the worst-case scenario every single time we start talking about the pandemic.

But does Senator Scott smell the stench of politics because Democratic governors are evil, or because this is what he thinks Republican governors would, or even should, do if it was a Democrat in the Presidency? One might argue that Governor Walz (D-MN) is pushing the envelope in his move, announced yesterday, to cautiously get the state open, and I’m a little worried that we’re going to see another spike in our numbers. Here’s the latest graph from The New York Times:

We can see a peak somewhat defined, but nothing is guaranteed – if we reopen precipitously, we could return to climbing that peak, much to our sorrow.

Back to my point, I suspect Senator Scott is projecting what he’d be urging Republican governors to do if the situation were reversed.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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