Word Of The Day


Chilblains, also known as pernio and chill burns is a medical condition that occurs when a predisposed individual is exposed to cold and humidity, causing tissue damage. It is often confused with frostbite and trench foot. Damage to capillary beds in the skin causes rednessitchinginflammation, and sometimes blisters.[3] Chilblains can be reduced by keeping the feet and hands warm in cold weather, and avoiding extreme temperature changes.

Chilblains can be idiopathic (spontaneous and unrelated to another disease), but may also be a manifestation of another serious medical condition that must be investigated. A history of chilblains suggests a connective tissue disease (such as lupus). Chilblains may also be caused by Raynaud’s disease. [Wikipedia]

Noted in “Frostbite’ toes and other peculiar rashes may be signs of hidden coronavirus infection, especially in the young,” Ariana Eunjung Cha, WaPo:

But the location of the rash on the toes, and sometimes fingers too, has puzzled researchers.

This type of rash, called pernio or chilblains, usually occurs in the dead of winter because of exposure to cold, such as when a person is slogging in freezing rain in wet socks. But covid-19 patients are getting it in springtime. Doctors also typically see the rash in people who work as florists or in warehouses that are not temperature-controlled — not in children, as is happening now.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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