Presidential Campaign 2020: Joe Walsh, Ctd

More props for former Rep Joe Walsh (R-IL), who recently closed up his Presidential campaign with an honest description of the Republican Party as a cult. Now he’s banging on NeverTrumpers for whispering that the Socialist epithet might be their Get Out Of Jail Free card:

I hate to break it to you, but if you’re really never-Trump, then you know there’s no except-if-he’s-a-socialist footnote. There’s no but-she’s-way-too-professor-ish clause. Nothing in the fine print says the only acceptable Democratic alternative is another arrogant billionaire. I thought this was understood.

In 2016, sadly, I supported Trump. I freely admit that I’m a second-wave never-Trumper. But once I got here, it was always my plan to stay. Because, for me, the ways in which Trump threatens this country go beyond left-right ideology. He lies constantly. He grants pardons to toadies. He conflates America’s financial interests with his own. He uses his bully pulpit to air a never-ending, year-round list of Festivus grievances. …

But I’m not a Democrat. It’s not my job to tell Democrats whom to choose. What I can do, and what I have done, is pledge that I’ll vote for their nominee. Even Bernie. He and I hardly agree on anything, but if he’s the nominee, I won’t just vote for him, I’ll campaign for him.

If that surprises you, it shouldn’t. I tried to run against Trump in the GOP primary, because I believe in this country. I sidelined my syndicated talk-radio show because I don’t want to be a bought-off mouthpiece for the regime. Because never-Trump means never. And I’d rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man. [WaPo]

Walsh keeps it real more than most Republicans. Gotta admire him for that.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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