Nationalism Over Merit

It’s the essence of nationalism, isn’t it: believing the product of the group is more deserving than the product of another group because it’s from the group. It’s like a sugar rush, it makes everyone feel great until the final measurements come out, and you discover your clinging to that inferior product has left you in second place … or worse.


There, melodramatic enough for you? Well, here’s the master of second-best, as incoherent as ever, at it again:

“By the way, how bad were the Academy Awards this year? Did you see it?” Trump said at a rally in Colorado Springs, to boos from the crowd. “And the winner is a movie from South Korea — what the hell was that all about?” …

Trump said at the campaign rally: “We got enough problems with South Korea, with trade. On top of it they give them the best movie of the year? Was it good? I don’t know.”

“You know, I’m looking for like — let’s get ‘Gone With the Wind,'” Trump said, referring to the 1939 Civil War epic that won eight Oscars. “Can we get like ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please? ‘Sunset Boulevard.’ So many great movies.”

“Sunset Boulevard,” released in 1950, was nominated but did not win the best picture Oscar, but managed to nab three others. [NBC News]

A non-American company makes a top-flight movie, wins awards, and Trump can’t stand it? Tough shit, sonny boy. Advocating we be second-raters and that’s good enough? I’m tired of xenophobia and all that inferiority-complex victimhood attitude brings out.

You don’t like that choice, Trumpy-boy? Go and make a movie that’s worth an Academy Award! (I can see the self-promotion now.) But don’t sit there and make gibble gabble about a movie you didn’t even see just to tear up a crowd.

I’d say it’s shameful, but you wouldn’t even understand.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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