A Use For AI

I have finally thought of a real use for an artificially intelligent entity around the house!

This young lady, Peeper by name, …

… likes to yowl on these winter mornings, doubtless complaining of the cold outdoors and her shortage of long fur. It’d be great for her to be occasionally surprised by a small, mouse-like creature that will scamper out upon hearing the yowl of anguish, pounce on her tail, run tantalizing out of reach, and disappear under a door. Surely this is within the capabilities of an AI robot!

Of course, if this AI actually has self-agency, this might qualify as a cruel and torturous practice, as being chased by a cat five times your size might be terrifying.

If, on the other hand, the AI is aware the cat can do little to harm it, then perhaps it’ll be amusing for it.

And then boring.

Back to the torture thought again.

And then if the mouse has WiFi, it becomes Yet Another Security Hole (“have you had your YASH today?”) to worry about.

How embarrassing that would be – almost as good as that Las Vegas hotel that suffered a data breach via its fish pond thermostat.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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