Cognitive Dissonance

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (R-AL), former Senator and former Attorney General, on the state of his political opponents:

He reminded the audience of his battles against “amnesty” and globalism; of how, despite having supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, he agrees with Trump that foreign entanglements must be more carefully scrutinized; and of his prowess as a culture warrior: “Y’all know one of the biggest things in America today is whether or not that people actually believe there is a truth and a right and wrong. This crowd, this left-wing group, are socialist, they’re secularist, they believe in their revolution, and they don’t believe in tradition and order and law and the Constitution. It’s a big deal. I feel strongly about it, and if we do this thing right, the American people agree with us. Don’t you think?” Yes! came the reply from the audience. [WaPo Magazine]

Running for his old Senate seat in Alabama, he released this ad to kick off the campaign:

Jeff, you’re endorsing the viewpoint and man who doesn’t respect you, the Constitution, or truth – as demonstrated in the admission of many Republican Senators’ admission that he was, indeed, guilty as charged by the House Democrats; the point of disagreement was whether or not the crime was a high crime or not.

JBS III, I should be amazed that your head doesn’t explode from the obvious cognitive dissonance, but I’m not. The moral decay of the Republicans just makes me tired and sad. But, in all fairness, I must say that you made the proper decision when it came to recusing yourself from the Russia investigation, and for that, I thank you.

Not as much thanks as I feel is proper for Romney, Amash, and Walsh, but a small bit. Would you do it again?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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