Sure, Why Not?

I see the GOP is gnashing its teeth for revenge:

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst warned Sunday that Republicans could immediately push to impeach Joe Biden over his work in Ukraine as vice president if he wins the White House.

“I think this door of impeachable whatever has been opened,” Ernst said in an interview with Bloomberg News. “Joe Biden should be very careful what he’s asking for because, you know, we can have a situation where if it should ever be President Biden, that immediately, people, right the day after he would be elected would be saying, ‘Well, we’re going to impeach him.’” [Bloomberg]

Skipping over all the GOP arguments about impeachment being weaponized, hypocrisy, etc., if the scenario comes up, I suggest that Speaker Pelosi, assuming the Democrats retain the House, grant them their request – give them their impeachment inquiry.

See, the Republicans have clearly lost their way. They’re desperate to be seen as legit, and that’s by making the Democrats seem just as dirty and incompetent as themselves.

And if the Democrats stomp them without an inquiry on the question of whether or not Biden should be impeached, then they can squeal about how they never got a chance to prove their case.

If the Democrats sweetly smile and give them an impeachment inquiry, then we can all be sure that Biden was not acting on his son’s behalf, but rather on the behalf of the Western nations and their drive to rid Ukraine of corruption.

An inquiry stains nothing. Secretary of State Clinton has been investigated enough times that we can feel fairly confident she’s free of any scandals, no matter how much Trump howls about her. She beat him and he knows it – he won by a quirk of electoral politics.

And we can watch the Republican third-raters twist in the wind some more if they want to start digging around on Biden.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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