Word Of The Day


A psychiatrist said that Amanda (not her real name) had trypophobia. There isn’t much in the medical textbooks about this condition, but you can find lots of information online about how it is a fear of holes. You can follow links to pictures of sponges and the perforated heads of flowers that claim to test and diagnose you. But like much information on the web, descriptions of the condition are misleading. Trypophobia isn’t really down to holes. Or fear. It might not even be a phobia, because new research suggests it is triggered by disgust. Less fear and more loathing. Reliable figures are hard to come by, but some researchers believe we will see an uptick in cases. [“Trypophobia: Why a fear of holes is real – and may be on the rise,” David Adam, NewScientist (18 January 2020, paywall)]

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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