Word Of The Day


  1. a person who designs, makes, or sells hats for women.

Surprisingly specific. Noted in the Feedback column of NewScientist (4 January 2020):

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, for readers who have been led astray on such matters, is not a movie about pigeons. It is a movie about cowboys – that is to say, misogynistic, murdering, rootin’-tootin’ gunmen who meander about the 19th-century American Wild West in search of a credit sequence. It takes them a while to find it, but lordy are you relieved when they do.

It would probably have aged better had it been about pigeons, which is why, to make an abrupt segue, Feedback’s interest was piqued by news out of Las Vegas, Nevada, that a trio of pigeons were wearing cowboy hats.

The story gets more depressing the more you find out. It seems that some ornithological milliner glued the aforementioned hats to the aforementioned pigeons, perhaps to coincide with the National Finals Rodeo taking place in the same state.

Perhaps not quite properly used, but I confess I doubt there’s a word for someone who makes hats for pigeons, or even birds.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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