Evidence Based Government

Ever hear of Evidence Based Medicine? We should have the same standard for government, regardless of who is running it. It’d dump pie-eyed dreamers like anyone who thinks the Laffer Curve has general relevance on their collective asses, for one thing.

And I suspect Democratic candidate, and non-participant in the Tuesday night Democratic Presidential Debate, Andrew Yang would be its flag-bearer, since he appears to understand that many problems will succumb to Big Data analysis. Or at least so I gathered from his appearance last night on The Late Show.

But he doesn’t have the experience or the charisma to win the nomination. I expect he’ll be remembered for injecting interesting and important ideas into the public discourse – or at least trying. Which I know is no great insight, but that, I think, will be his legacy.

Although he did throw his hat in the ring for a Cabinet level position, I noticed. I’m not sure he has the chops for that sort of thing, but we shall see. Given the knuckledraggers who’ve made it into Trump’s Cabinet, I’d say most three-toed sloths could serve and not be considered bottom-rung.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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