Spinning Wheels, Ctd

A reader doesn’t mind the government getting its fingers into consumer computing devices:

I think this is a novel idea with real potential. Most pedophiles are not going to be hackers, or even very computer literate. They instead will be like most of the populace, barely able to operate their devices. 😉 It’s far better than nothing, and also better than having my cryptography intentionally hamstrung and backdoors.

Unfortunately, it’s not the average or even median technical competency of a pedophilic community that matters – it only takes one smart, methodical operator who puts together a solution and gets the word out for most of the rest to find and use that solution.

There are smart criminals. Think of Jeffery Epstein, who committed suicide in police custody after repeated accusations of what amounted to pedophilia. He was reportedly quite bright, although undisciplined and not inclined to respect almost any rules.

The spread of a capability to evade detection of their anti-social activities is the result of computers, which automate many things that previously afflicted humanity – for good or ill.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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