Belated Movie Reviews

The boar menaces the bore. Now if only this had taken place in a bore-hole, and it was all about a ice sample.

We recently viewed the silent film The Cat And The Canary (1927), and while we longed to like it, I think it’s cultural attitudes leave it too dated to appreciate. In this movie about the disposition of the estate of a man, mixed with an escaped convict, and a hint of insanity, it seemed the only woman with any hint of a backbone ultimately didn’t really figure in the climax of the movie; she merely stalks through the story with a broody look on her face. The element of farce was off-putting, while the heroine, who’s little more than a canvas for the projection of public attitudes of the day, left me cold, and I even considered cheering on the big clawed hand which hovered over her shoulder.

Characters were not differentiated, themes were not strongly developed, and two days later we were confusing it with elements of some other recently viewed movies.

In a word, forgettable.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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