When The Minions Are Scratching Their Heads, Ctd

Reinforcing my speculation of yesterday on the spirit of those text messages, and the role Ambassador Sondland may have played in them, the Ambassador traveled back to the United States in response to a request from several House Committees wishing to interview him for the impeachment inquiry, and at the very last moment …

If you really believe the House is conducting rigged proceedings, then perhaps this makes sense, if you squint just right.

But if you’re wondering if Ambassador Sondland might have some evidence useful to Congressional oversight responsibilities, this reaction by a State Department, or at least Secretary thereof, known to be slavishly devoted to Trump, does little to dispute that inclination, and suggests circumstancially that Ambassador Sondland was, indeed, covering Trump’s High Crime in that final text, covered previously.

And how will Republicans try to cover for this? Appear in kangaroo suits?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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