The Next Unexpected Move

Donald J. Trump has been, in some respects, like famed Detroit Lions running back Barry Sanders, well known for putting on a virtual dance when cornered in the backfield, knowing the perfect moment to burst forward, elude his would-be captors, and make a big gain. His secret was doing the unexpected, moving the feet, feinting, dodging, and having the patience to let his tacklers go the wrong way while he went the right way – for him.

Similarly, the speedy decay of President Trump’s position in the White House may mean his end is near, but it may also mean we’ll see Trump try something new. For instance, try this on for size:

  1. He resigns in favor of Pence.
  2. Pence proactively pardons him for any federal crimes he might have committed, much like Ford did for Nixon.
  3. Trump, now free of the leadership responsibilities, continues to campaign for 2020.

Of course, he’d face some question marks. For example, several state GOP primaries have been canceled on the theory that the incumbent shouldn’t have to face challenger, even though there’s three. Does a President who resigned under pressure deserve the courtesy of a free victory in those states, or will they have to hurriedly reinstate those primaries?

And, of course, would the Republican base stick with him? Resignation, no matter how much he cries that he was forced to do so due to Democratic tricks and unfairness, is a big red flag that even the base would have to consider. Would the power of the cult continue to overwhelm their sensitivities, or would some of them wake up? Naturally, most independents would write him off, but he might still make a go of a run.

And that’d make for quite a Presidential contest. Hell, he might even go Independent and shatter the Republican Party, as it’d have to run one of Walsh, Weld, Sanford, or Pence. Pence, the weakest candidate, would have the greatest advantage as a sitting President, so there’d be a lot of internal writhing.

Is any of this likely? No. I think. But Trump has traditionally thought outside of the box, and he may think, like Hitler thought with the invasion of Russia, that he can make this work. The pundits have speculated the impeachment and trial may take months, with outcome uncertain. Trump could easily yank the rug out and change the entire future contest.

Just like last time.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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