Perhaps Other Factors Apply, Ctd

A reader writes concerning the falling abortion rate:

Fascinating, or maybe more “I told you so.” I’ll disagree with you and Mr. Drum a bit: I think the liberal position is closer to the truth, especially since the conservative position refers to laws which were only passed in the past few years, yet the decline has been pretty steady since 1981. I also agree with you on population pressures and male fertility.

Emancipation of women is probably helping a lot, too. Just heard a story the other day about a guy with 8 kids being asked how many he was going to have and his answer was something along the lines of “whatever god gives me” — in other words, how many his poor baby mother(s) wanted didn’t figure into his calculation at all! A lot more women won’t stand for that kind of bullshit these days, thankfully.

By the way, I did not mean for the “I” in “I told you so” to indicate myself. More of a society telling antiabortionists to calm the hell down, because the trend is in the right direction — contrary to many of their claims.

Good point about emancipation. Additionally, speaking as an agnostic, if God gave humanity a gift, it wasn’t his effing loins. It was his brain, and it sounds like the dude referenced in these remarks has abandoned the use of it.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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