Takin’ Care Of The Base

I just got around to seeing last night’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and his first guest, Jeff Daniels, I think hits the Democratic failures of 2016 on the head: Clinton did not take care of her base. He stated, unvetted by me, that some 80,000+ ballots in Michigan were cast that had “Democrats on the undercard, and blank for the President.” And that Clinton lost Michigan by roughly 11,000 votes. While the entire interview is subtly political, the overt political analysis starts around 5:25.

You don’t need me to evaluate his analysis. But Daniels’ analysis of why those voters, blue collar workers who’ve seen their jobs move overseas, seems dead-on, and I appreciated his remark that the most important people in the corporate hierarchy are no longer workers, but shareholders.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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