Another Blow To Their Non-Existent Prestige

I’ve talked about the decline of the moral standing of the American Evangelical before, but it appears their leading members are still intent on going over the cliff of hypocrisy and lying, as Steve Benen discusses the behavior of Vice President Pence (R-IN):

If you saw the show [Rachel Maddow] last week, you saw Rachel report on the USDA also going to absurd lengths to sideline career scientists whose research may interfere with the White House’s agenda.

Meanwhile, the day after the Politico article ran, the Associated Press reported on 74 medical and public health groups aligning “to push for a series of consensus commitments to combat climate change, bluntly defined by the organizations as ‘a health emergency.’”

What’s more, last week, against a backdrop in which U.S. air quality has declined for the first time in a long while, the Trump administration unveiled a new energy plan widely seen as a gift to polluters.

An assessment from EPA scientists found that the increased emissions from the plan would lead to 1,400 premature deaths annually over the next decade.

“[W]hat I will tell you is that we will always follow the science on that in this administration,” Pence told a national television audience over the weekend.

Sure, Mr. Vice President. Sure it will.

Pence is a leading Evangelical, and so when he stands up there and blusters that they follow science, while heartily denying climate change and rolling back EPA regs, it simply brings more dishonor and discredit upon the Evangelical relationship with the rest of the United States.

It really marks them as someone who you can’t trust.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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