
I was reading Amber Phillips’ take on Memorial Day family political chat, and particularly the question of who the Democrats might want to pick to beat Trump:

This is the question Democratic voters are mulling over right now, according to Washington Post reporting. And there’s no consensus answer, at least not yet. Many are willing to sacrifice the candidate their heart wants for the candidate they think can beat Trump. But could that backfire?

Amy Walter, a political analyst at the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, thinks there could be a divide between who party elites think would be electable and who the rest of the party wants. A new Pew Research survey shows base voters get more excited by minority candidates. So picking a Joe Biden or another moderate, white male, Walter writes, could depress “the very voters Democrats need to turn out if they are going to beat President Trump.”

And it occurred to me, how about Barack Obama for VP? He brings the minority element to the ticket, so you can put anyone you want in the top half of the ticket, and there’s not the least doubt in the world that he’s more than qualified for the job.

And watching the GOP wrestle with their biggest nemesis’ shocking reappearance would be immensely entertaining.

OK, so this probably wouldn’t fly, and it might even light up the GOP’s base to come out to the polls. But having competency back in the Oval Office after watching this man-child flop around for four years would certainly be a relief to serious Washington-watchers.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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