It’s A Fork In A Paranoiac’s Path

TPM reports on the litigation between the notably paranoid National Rifle Association (NRA), and one of its vendors:

The National Rifle Association believes itself to be the victim of a “bitter, insidious irony,” the firearms lobby said in a new lawsuit filed Wednesday against its longtime vendor Ackerman McQueen.

The advertising firm — referred to as AMc in the suit — has allegedly been leaking documents to the press that the NRA sued last month to get ahold of in what the firearms lobby calls “a series of sordid, out-of-context ‘leaks’ engineered by AMc to harm its client.”

The NRA sued AMc in April to access documents, ostensibly to audit the pair’s relationship and to investigate allegations that the Oklahoma City-based firm was over-billing the NRA.

Now, the NRA is seeking $40 million in damages from AMc, accusing it of using the leaks to foment a coup that would have toppled longtime NRA chief Wayne LaPierre in favor of Iran-Contra notable and then-NRA president Oliver North.

“The bitter, insidious irony is that the records leaked by AMc contain some of the same information the NRA had persistently requested from AMc over the course of many months, in an effort to strengthen its own internal controls,” the gun group argues in a complaint, filed in the State of Virginia’s Alexandria circuit court.

This is the same NRA that has lived and even flourished on the nightmare that the government is coming to take everyone’s guns away for the last four decades. Now, according to this lawsuit, some other organization really is out to get them – or they have very lurid nightmares.

This could be quite entertaining, given the instability inherent in the recent claims the NRA made in the run up to the latest Presidential election – and the massive hiccup in their messaging when Trump, rather than Clinton, won. Of course, never mind that the Democrats and Obama never made a move on gun rights when they had the opportunity. Paranoia is the name of their game.

The question is whether it’s once again on massive display – or if AMc is out to really get them. The anticipation of the resolution of that question is going to kill me.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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