Ask The Key Question Already

Margaret Sullivan’s headline tells you the first half of what you need to know:

Mark Zuckerberg claims that, at Facebook, ‘the future is private.’ Don’t believe him.

She fills in the blank:

Last week, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg used the company’s annual Silicon Valley confab to announce that “the future is private.”

In one of the most awkward moments I’ve ever seen captured on video, he smiled broadly as he tried to joke about the supposed change of direction.

“I know that we don’t exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly,” he said.

No, Zuck, you don’t. Facebook is facing more than a dozen international investigations into its history of privacy violations, Wired magazine has reported — “from its years of willy-nilly data sharing to several recent data breaches.”

But she doesn’t complete the thought. She should have suggested that someone ask Zuckerberg this simple question:

Mark, how will you make money off ‘the future is private?’

Because that’s all Facebook is about.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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