The Religious Right’s Moral Depravity

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of Christian minister Mike Huckabee and White House Press Secretary, puts her foot in it:

Look, I think that the real shame in all of this is that Democrats are perfectly capable of coming together and agreeing on the fact that they’re comfortable ripping babies straight from a mother’s womb or killing a baby after birth, but they have a hard time condemning the type of comments from Congresswoman Omar. I think that is a great shame.

Bold mine.

Brazen lies. But this is the face of the Christian religious right, and not just because Sanders, daughter of a minister and therefore should be considered as having been “raised right.” It’s because there’s no avalanche of disapproval, no disavowal of these statements, by the religious right leaders.

It used to be that people held the truth to be sacred. Now it’s more important to win the battle, no matter what. It’s discouraging that those who think they’re the most moral of the land are, in reality, the least.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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