Belated Movie Reviews

Yes, they’re singing a song! But why?

Let’s say you’re in the mood for some psychoactive drugs, but you’re lacking any, whether it’s a dearth of cash on your part, or all the shops have closed up for the night. What to do?

Friends, I can heartily recommended Forbidden Zone (1980) to fill that gap in your life. It left us with mouths agape and eyes aswim with tears, as Frenchy’s family wanders into the Sixth Dimension in search of their kidnapped relative. Meanwhile, King Fausto lusts after her (she’s French, and therefore perfect), Queen Doris continually sends assassins after her, her family seems to be having, well, intimate relations with anything that’ll sit still for it, and Chicken Man. Yes, Chicken Man. Who needs complete sentences for this review?

Yes, you, too, can partake of surrealistic juvenilia. Just don’t ask me why anyone made this.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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