At The Joust

In case you’re not a lawyer – I’m not – and you’re wondering about the various maneuverings that go on in Court, here’s one as noted by Lawfare:

The special counsel’s office has filed a memorandum in U.S. v. Concord Management and Consulting, LLC in opposition to Concord’s motion to disclose documents identified as “sensitive” by the Special Counsel to certain Concord officiers and employees. The memo alleges that subsequent investigations into Concord have “revealed that certain non-sensitive discovery materials in the defense’s possession appear to have been altered and disseminated as part of a disinformation campaign” apparently aimed at discrediting the special counsel’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

And then the memorandum is presented verbatim. Concord is half-owned byYevgeny Prigozhin, and is associated with the Internet Research Agency, indicted nearly a year ago by Mueller.

Altering and disseminating court papers. This is the sort of thing where someone needs their head banged violently against a metal pole, but it’s just not going to happen without a militant President to do it.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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