The Market Seems Jumpy, Ctd

Yesterday’s market jump was among the biggest ever, much less this year. But between yesterday’s absurd jump in market indice values (the Naz over 5%), and today’s drop in indice value, at least as of this typing, there’s been a lot of sophisticated hand-waving as to the reasons, but no one has mentioned the obvious.

Yesterday, the President was out of the country, finally visiting a war zone, and taking advantage of this opportunity to lie to them. Today, he’s back.

I think investors thought he might take advantage of being out of the country to not return. That is, given his unprecedented legal troubles (“No President has ever had legal troubles like I’ve had!”), I would be unsurprised if he sought a haven in a country lacking an extradition treaty with the United States, and tried to run the Executive from abroad.

And then, of course, today’s drop reflects the disappointment upon his return.

It makes the most sense, after all.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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