Your Lack Of Commitment To The Country Is Disturbing, Senator

It may be time to compile a list of Senators who appear frantic to not have the President found guilty of various crimes. NBC News has a couple adding themselves to the list right here:

[Senator John] Thune [(R-SD)] added that the Mueller probe should be thorough and complete, but can’t go on forever. He said Trump has important work to do for the American people and it is time to “move on.”

“And the longer these things drag on, it just, it gets, I think, very wearing on the American people,” he said. “The report needs to come out. We need to know what happened, but I agree with my colleagues that the time I think has come to start drawing this to a conclusion.”

Senator, it may be wearing on the shrinking Trump base, and on a GOP membership that is slowly becoming more and more disillusioned with the GOP leadership. The rest of us, however, are settling in with some popcorn to see just how far into the swamp President Trump strayed while claiming he was going to drain it, even as he partook of its dark charms. Your continued support of him will look very poorly indeed on your next re-election effort, especially if he gets marched off in handcuffs.

[Senator Lindsey] Graham (R-SC), who has emerged as one of Trump’s fiercest defenders, said he had “no idea what that’s all about” when asked his reaction to Cohen’s guilty plea, adding that it “seems to be a process crime.”

“I’ve yet to see anybody indicated for actually colluding with the Russians,” Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill. “I don’t know where Mueller is going but it is up to him to get there sooner rather than later.”

No, no, no, Senator. It’s up to Mueller to get it right. If there’s nothing, then there’s nothing, and that’s fine, but all the guilty pleas and indictments would suggest to the logically minded that there’s already a something, and it may point to a huge something.

We already know you’re frantically defending an incompetent President. The question is if you’re trying to blight an investigation into a criminal President.

On to the list you go. I already know you can’t seem to follow simple reasoning. Vapid defenses are not a positive sign for you.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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