Current Movie Reviews, Ctd

A reader reacts to my review of Maria By Callas:

Hue: I haven’t seen the film so it’s difficult to know what to say. Callas is regarded by many as the greatest opera star of all time; she wasn’t by my estimation: That title goes to Joan Sutherland. But Callas was so much more than a singer; she was a “personality,” a diva, a woman of great controversy, intelligence and strong opinion. Driven and temperamental, she was loved by many and hated by others. Her career was cut short because she ruined her voice singing parts that damaged her vocal chords but appealed to her soul. There was and is no one like her, which is why she’s so revered. When it comes to singing, however, there was no one who could touch Sutherland for beauty of tone, technical mastery, and sheer brilliance of sound, all of which she possessed without any of Callas’ airs. It’s the legend of Callas people remember.

Ah. And there was nary a mention of Sutherland in Maria By Callas.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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