Must Be The Mexican Bipolar Manic Phase, Yeah?

Remember all those horrible immigrants from Mexico that Big Daddy Trump told us about? Here’s Fox News helping us out:

President Trump railed against illegal immigration Thursday, claiming that “women are raped at levels nobody has ever seen before,” in reference to the journey north to the United States.

At a round-table event in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia — slated to discuss tax reform — Trump instead started his discussion with a focus on the border and illegal immigration.

“Remember my opening remarks at Trump Tower when I opened—everybody said ‘oh, he was so tough.’ I used the word ‘rape,’” Trump said, referring to his controversial comment at the start of the presidential campaign when he said “rapists” were coming across the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

“Yesterday, it came out and this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before,” Trump said. “They don’t want to mention that. So we have to change our laws.”

That was from last April. Of course, during his candidacy he claimed things were even worse.

And now he claims the ‘caravan’ coming up through Mexico from Guatemala has more of the same. Good lord! It must be a war zone through the heart of Mexico! Am I right? Yeah? From WaPo:

Mexicans shower the caravan with kindness — and tarps, tortillas and medicine

PIJIJIAPAN, Mexico — Everything Pedro Osmin Ulloa was wearing, from the black felt shoes with the gold buckles to the shimmery blue button-down, was as new to him as he was to Mexico.

The 30-year-old Honduran corn farmer and dogged sojourner in the migrant caravan was dressed head-to-toe in donated clothes. His 3-year-old son, Alexander, played with donated toys. And the rest of the family — his wife, his two brothers and a cousin — sat on the sidewalk eating beef stew and tortillas ladled out for them by residents of this bustling market town in Mexico’s southern Chiapas state.

“These people have been beautiful,” he said. “Everyone’s helping us out.”

It’s tough to be xenophobic when everyone’s being so bloody kind to those less fortunate, isn’t it?

But this is how low the United States has sunk under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump. We run around in circles, terrified that furriners might get into the country and commit horrible crimes, while the Mexicans, a much poorer country, have opened their hearts and arms to those who’ve been forced from their homes.

If Trump had been serious about immigration, he wouldn’t have bothered with that non-starter of a wall. He wouldn’t have bothered with “immigration reform.” If he was the smart dude he claims to be, he would have commissioned studies to discover exactly why these countries south of us are leaking some of their best and brightest to their big neighbor to the north, and then taken those corrective actions necessary to help them out, whether that’s more foreign aid, or withholding ag exports[1], or whatever.

Vote Democratic. Even if you’re a conservative, the Republican Party needs to be burned down to the ground and rebuilt.

If they reform into a party with honorable intentions, then you can vote Republican next time. Right now? They’re not.

1 The theory goes that our low-cost food exports, often subsidized by the American government, out-competes the local farmers, who lose their livelihoods and sink into poverty.

And maybe then migrate to the United States to work in the … ag industry!

Still, I haven’t heard whether this theory proved out or not – it’s from 25 years ago, and it was just as politically unpopular then as it would be today, I’m sure.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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