You’re All That Certain?

In an interview, the ultimate partisan & quitter Newt Gingrich says a bit and implies quite a bit more:

During a live interview on Oct. 25 at The Washington Post, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that if Democrats re-take control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections and subpoena the president’s tax returns, it would likely force a fight in the U.S. Supreme Court. “And,” Gingrich said,”we’ll see whether or not the Kavanaugh fight was worth it.” [WaPo]

While the acknowledgement that Kavanaugh was selected for his demonstrated sympathy for a “soft on criminal Presidents” view, rather than any outstanding legal analysis virtues he might possess, is of course appalling in a Gingrich sort of way, it’s the implicit statement that caught my eye.

That is, he seems awfully damn confident that Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch (IJ), and Chief Justice and Keeper of the SCOTUS legacy Roberts are partisan puppets he has firmly in his pocket. Is this really true? As I’ve discussed before, a criminal President is a truly dangerous thing, and Justice Kavanaugh’s views appear to be naive, or partisan, in the extreme. But what of the others of the conservative wing of the Court? Are they just finger puppets, ready to cover up any crime the President may commit?

Surprises do occasionally come out of SCOTUS.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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