Current Movie Reviews

Don’t confuse water-bears with teddy-bears.

Ant-Man And The Wasp (2018) is a light and fluffy movie in which just about all the primary actions take place because one physicist was way too arrogant for all the other physicists, resulting in the latter going it alone and having various things go wrong. Does the arrogant physicist get his come-uppance? Nope.

In other words, this movie is thematically inert.

Spiced with good-hearted humor and some lovely tardigrades, it certainly entertains, as it’s well-acted and the fight sequences are nicely thought out, but in the end it’s little more than a meringue which has not been properly tanned. Don’t spend a lot of money to see this one.

In fact, if you wait for it to hit broadcast television, you won’t miss much. Except maybe the Easter Egg at the end. But, really, the producers should have just dumpsterized this script.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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