Republican Allergy To Universal Health Care

While having a rare listen to The Rachel Maddow Show tonight, in which she was discussing Judge Kavanaugh’s views on contraception and abortion (in her view, he appears to be deeply confused concerning the biological facts of the matter), it suddenly occurred to me why the Republicans are opposed to Universal Health Care (UHC), or a one-payer system. It has little enough to do with infringement on free markets, but is simply this:

If we have UHC, then the US Government will be paying for every abortion in America, full stop. Since the government is funded through individual taxes, it’s not a big step to see anti-abortion opponents seeing themselves as taking on a personal responsibility for each abortion.

I’m not going to step into the abortion controversy except to note that a fetus is not a human being. But I do think it’s worth taking note that this could be one excuse for the ideological rigidity of Republicans on this issue.

And maybe everyone else knew that.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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