Belated Movie Reviews

No character, in fact a real whiner. Godzilla reportedly sought help from a support group later that year.

One of the weaker offerings in the kaiju Godzilla series is Son of Godzilla (1967). Sonny boy, as I’ll call him, first comes to light on Solgell Island (if I remember the name right), still in the egg. The egg is being dug out of a mound of boulders by three Gimantises, gigantic praying mantises who can fly. This is being observed by a journalist who is visiting an experimental station on the same island.

Better known for their roles in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

The Gimantises break the egg open and make some half-hearted attempts to dine on Sonny boy, but Godzilla, in a very minor, unmenacing aspect, arrives in time to kill two of the three Gimantises and chase the third away, and Godzilla now assumes the parenting role. Meanwhile, the journalist discovers a heretofore unknown inhabitant of the island, a daughter of a missing archaeologist, who helps the team out when they become sick, and later when Spiga, a giant spider, attacks.

Bad story short, the last Gimantis is pithed by Spiga, and Sonny-boy almost meets the same demise, but big ol’ Dad comes to the rescue, and Spiga finds himself (herself?) overmatched and eventually catches fire and capsizes. The science team finally performs its experiment, which causes a snowstorm to occur on the tropical island, and Godzilla and Sonny-boy go into hibernation.

Yech. This was a real time-waster.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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