Reports Like These Are Deeply Unsettling

From WaPo:

India has more than 600 million people under 25, and they have greater access to technology and education than ever before. Yet millions have little hope of finding decent jobs, and a “bachelor bomb” of more than 37 million surplus men — a legacy of generations of a preference for sons and aborting female fetuses — threatens social stability for decades. …

Without solid prospects, many young men are gravitating to India’s growing right-wing nationalist organizations, where they find a sense of purpose.

Over time, a stereotype of a right-wing troll has emerged — keyboard jockeys with too much time on their hands, sitting in their childhood bedrooms furiously tweeting about every perceived slight to Hinduism and [Prime Minister Narendra] Modi.

I’ve visited India four times since 2000, but I won’t claim any special knowledge from those visits. It has 3 times the population of the United States, which would make it ridiculous to claim I know a damn thing. While it’s popularly seen to be a peaceful country, the reality is that since 1947 it’s fought four wars with its neighbor, Pakistan. I suspect that this surplus of young, troublemaking men will become fodder for another war with its neighbor, conveniently killing off the surplus males, but risking a nuclear exchange, as both countries are armed with nuclear weapons. Ordinarily, the United States would lead efforts to calm the waters before a nuclear exchange could take place, but Trump is so completely lost that I would have no hopes that he’d even understand that something evil is about to happen, nor do I have much hope for any of his aides or Cabinet members.

And have the Indians been reforming their culture to place more value on females? Nothing in the article suggests as much. A war would be a temporary pressure relief on a situation that is basically pathological.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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