One Season Wonders

When you’re investigating a cat’s disappearance, you’ll need all the help you can get.

My Arts Editor and I recently finished watching the BBC Cymru Wales TV series Dirk Gently (of 2010, not the later series), based on the character and books of the same character by Douglas Adams. Ending after four episodes, we enjoyed the series not only for its quirky characters and humor, but also because the characters did appear to be changing and maturing, so we were a little put out to discover only four episodes were made and there’s no chance of continuance. While these four constitute no great feats of drama or comedy in and of themselves, they did seem to be building a foundation from which greater leaps of fiction might be achieved.

So, too bad, BBC. It could have become something quite interesting.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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