If They Were Smart

Remember when then-AG Loretta Lynch happened to run into Bill Clinton at the airport, chatted with him, and this was seized on by the conservative media as some sort of mysterious illicit meeting? Try this one on for size:

SPOTTED — ROBERT MUELLER and DONALD TRUMP JR. both waiting for their flights this morning at the 35X gate at DCA. And yes, there is a photo. Picture of the two waiting at America’s worst gate [Politico]

Here’s the thing: If the Trumpists who are so frantic to protect their blundering leader from were thinking deviously, they’d be proclaiming that Jr. and Mueller were having an illicit meeting (probably in the public loo), and thereby delegtimizing the Mueller probe.

It’d be odd, and somewhat unbelievable for those of us who are actually thinking, but the base would be too relieved to not buy it.

And the United States could assume the status of banana republic.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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