The Next Hurdle, Ctd

The latest on the special election for AZ-8? Or maybe it’s just propaganda. Anyways, the Democrats sent a fund-raising letter that says,

But a funny thing is happening with this race — Dr. Hiral Tipirneni, the Democratic candidate, has been campaigning hard under the radar for the past couple months. She’s sneaking up on the Republican candidate, and a poll out today has them locked in a dead heat.

Would have been nice if they’d provided a link to the poll, no? In today’s era, not providing that link is malpractice, to my mind. In fact, The Hill has a poll from 4 days ago:

A survey from Phoenix-based polling firm OH Predictive Insights and ABC15 Arizona found former state Sen. Debbie Lesko (R) garnering 53 percent of the vote, compared to physician and first-time candidate Hiral Tipirneni (D) with 43 percent.

But let’s stipulate that the poll mentioned in the Democrat’s fund-raising mail exists and has reasonable error bars. Arizona is a conservative state, and since redistricting in 2011, the former Republican occupant of the seat never won by less than 63% of the vote. If Dr. Tipirneni has, in fact, closed the gap to close to even in a district which went for Trump by 21 points (according to the same Hill article), that’s a tremendous achievement as well as a commentary on the poor reputation of the GOP. It’d be another lesson for a GOP that seems to have forgotten how to govern – or how to be a responsible political party.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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