The Next Hurdle, Ctd

Slate reports that the GOP wants to make very sure they won’t be embarrassed in Arizona’s 8th district:

Panicked by recent results and fearing another national embarrassment, Republicans are spending big in hopes of holding on to a district Donald Trump won in a landslide. Sound familiar? It should. After high-profile losses in Alabama and Pennsylvania, Republicans are now desperate to win next month’s special election in Arizona.

According to Politico, the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Congressional Leadership Fund super PAC are spending a combined $270,000 in Arizona in support of Debbie Lesko, the former state senator running to fill the House seat that opened up when GOP Rep. Trent Franks resigned from Congress in disgrace late last year. That’s on top of the roughly $280,000 the Republican National Committee has already reported spending on field operations on Lesko’s behalf. Add it all up, and that’s more than a half-million dollars in a district that would be well under the radar in any normal year.

Here’s the thing: at some point, advertising no longer matters. No matter how much you din the voters with your message, if their real world experience disagrees with your message, it’s just money down the toilet.

The GOP should never have lost PA-18. They have a massive voter registration advantage in AZ-8. They shouldn’t lose.

And if they do? They really don’t want to face that conundrum – but do they realize that money is not the solution to every problem?

I haven’t seen the Democrats investing in AZ-8 just yet. Maybe they should do a $10,000 ad buy, just to see how much of a twitch they get out of the Republicans.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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