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Pardoned but guilty of a felony former sheriff Joe Arpaio proclaims his priority if he is elected to the Senate next fall:

Republican Senate candidate and former Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio suggested that he would revive the debunked claim that President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent if he’s elected to the Senate.

At a conservative convention last week, Arpaio recalled introducing President Donald Trump at a campaign rally where the former sheriff mentioned illegal immigration and the “birther” theory — that Obama was not born in the US and therefore was ineligible to be president. [CNN]

We could write this guy off as an ex-con in the beginnings of dementia. Or an ex-con trying to run a classic con on us. Much like Trump with Mrs. Clinton, this is a Republican who wants to resurrect an old enemy to run against because, frankly, the Republicans have very little to show for their victories in the last election – unless rank incompetence is an accomplishment.

But I think there’s a bit more danger to think about, and it’s this: he’s continuing to chip away at the respectability of the institutions which hold us together. If a non-partisan institute such as a hospital issues a representation showing that someone was, indeed, born in that hospital, we should not be sitting around doubting the veracity of that document without some kind of proof.

If Sheriff Joe has this proof, then fucking well get it out there so we can examine it, otherwise shut your yap on that subject. That is how we do business in this nation, not this dishonorable waving of a hand in the air, I’ll show you the evidence later after you elect me.

The alternative?

Mr. Arpaio, is it true you were born in Mexico to Latin parents? But, sir, we have proof positive that what you claim is your birth certificate has been faked and your real parents are former drug lords who had syphilis. We have pictures of the birth right here, along with the Mexican birth certificate. Why didn’t you tell voters this during your many runs for Sheriff, sir?

Is that the kind of nation Arpaio and the birthers want to engender?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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