Back In The Golden Age

Kevin Drum helpfully covers all the proposals from the right for stopping school massacres. His summary:

Have I hit the high points? The insanity here is jaw dropping. I could at least respect an argument that says gun rights are so important that it’s worth protecting them even at the price of more mass slaughters. I wouldn’t especially agree, but it’s the kind of argument I might make in some free speech cases. This flat-out lunacy, however, is beyond belief. Do the NRA folks really believe this stuff? Or are they just getting so desperate that they’re willing to toss out anything that might muddy the waters?

I want to know one thing. Back in the 1950s, back before my time, the American Golden Age as it were – did schools have armed guards, just waiting for the next shooter to come leaping out of the bushes?

Or did we have the guns under control and none of this happened, or at least not as much?

Sure, it’s not really useful to compare two such different time periods – but it’s so tempting to think about a time when the extremism wasn’t quite so prevalent.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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