Word Of The Day


  1. in the form of a network or having a network of parts
    a reticulate leaf
  2. resembling, covered with, or having the form of a net
    verb (rɪˈtɪkjʊˌleɪt)
  3. to form or be formed into a net [Collins English Dictionary]

Noted in “The Merits of Supporting 702 Reauthorization (Despite Worries About Trump and the Rule of Law),” Jack Goldsmith and Susan Hennessey, Lawfare:

They know that 702 is deeply embedded in a reticulate legal system run mostly by career public servants and supervised by all three branches of government, including numerous agencies in the executive branch, the congressional intelligence committees and the life-tenured members of the FISA court. In short, the answer to Greenwald’s puzzle about Trump critics voting for 702 reauthorization is that the NSA and FBI are remarkably immune from inappropriate presidential meddling.

An interesting, enlightening usage.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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