Word Of The Day


  1. working hard and steadily; diligent
  2. constant; persistent: sedulous attention to the task


Noted in “The Senate Just Confirmed an Anti-Gay Blogger to the Federal Judiciary,” Mark Joseph Stern, Slate:

Thursday’s confirmation vote provides a reminder of the Trump administration’s vigorously anti-LGBTQ stance. Trump himself may or may not hold animus toward sexual and gender minorities, but his Cabinetadvisers, and allies in Congress are working sedulously to reverse progress on LGBTQ rights. Once Trump stacks the federal courts with reactionary activists, his judges can chip away at landmark rulings protecting marriage equality and the broader rightsof same-sex couples. Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court justice, has already signaled his eagerness to reconsider gay rights. Judges like Bush can help to weaken gay-friendly precedent in the lower courts, making them more vulnerable to reversal.

I must say, my reaction to the sound of this word is quite different from its meaning.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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