The Delphic Oracle Was Also Horrible

CNN is reporting Trump’s reaction to the supposed terror attack in NYC:

President Donald Trump called for “quick” and “strong” justice for terror suspects in the wake of the deadly New York City attack, saying that it is not surprising terror attacks happen because the way the United States punishes terrorists is “a laughing stock.”

So what, does Trump want a lynch mob to bust into the jail holding the alleged terrorist and lynch him?

To be frank, I suspect Trump would have no problem with that. Trump the politician has existed on the unrestrained emotions of his followers, and for his continued political survival, he has to keep stirring the pot.

No matter how much more damage this does to the reputation of the United States.

Quick and strong justice is the recipe for INjustice, for discouraging the highest quality immigrants which we depend on. It is in the strongest American legal traditions to permit a strong defense of all accused criminals, and then to incarcerate them, whether in jail or in a mental institute, once a finding of Guilty or Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity is reached.

I suggest that, in view of the newly emerging trends of today, the Era of Information, President Trump, if he’s honest, give up his “Oh, believe me” schtick, and provide us information that shows the world thinks the world’s finest justice system is really a laughingstock. A poll run by a reputable polling service might be just the ticket.

The catch is, he’s not allowed to suppress polls he doesn’t like.

No, Mr. President, this nation is not going down the path of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Not ever. You can quit your rabble-rousing ways right now.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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