Word Of The Day


Bloviation is a style of empty, pompous political speech particularly associated with Ohio due to the term’s popularization by United States President Warren G. Harding, who, himself a master of the technique, described it as “the art of speaking for as long as the occasion warrants, and saying nothing”.[1] The verb “to bloviate” is the act of creating bloviation. In terms of its etymology, according to one source, the word is a “compound of blow, in its sense of ‘to boast’ (also in another typical Americanism, blowhard), with a mock-Latin ending to give it the self-important stature implicit in its meaning.” [Wikipedia]

Noted in “Trump increasingly frustrated his greatness isn’t being recognized,” Kerry Eleveld, The Daily Kos:

Apparently, that display of braggadocio went over so well, he reprised it again this week, which suggests we’re likely to be treated to a lot more incoherent bloviating from the guy who really believes the world owes him a standing ovation.

Yeah, the tone of Kerry’s post is awful, but I liked the word, and it’s particularly cool to see its connection with a previous President. It’s been one of those words I’d sort of taken for granted.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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