That Darn Climate Change Conspiracy, Ctd

Regarding Greenland and wildfires, a reader remarks:

Well, that’s cheerful news. At this point, I give humanity about a 25% of continuing to blunder along at about our current trajectory for 20 to 40 years, 50% chance that hundreds of millions of people will die to starvation and insurrection over food/water in the same time period, or about 25% that humanity will be darn near extinct in 40 years.

Ah, an optimist. Since we’re well over 7 billion now, and with no desire to be hyperbolic, I’d not be surprised at an epidemic, or possibly a war, taking out more than 2 billions of us. A horrendous tragedy at its best, and probably many of the best of us would die, while the worst of us would survive. And take us into another war.

I wish I could say that “On the other hand…”, but it seems shallow to continue.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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