Make No Mistake About It

Steve Benen on Maddowblog notes President Trump continues to negatively tweet about Attorney General Sessions:

But in the larger context, the president whining about the acting FBI director isn’t about McCabe; it’s about Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom Trump apparently believes he can force out of office through rude tweets. Indeed, this morning’s missives were ostensibly about McCabe – a popular target in conservative media of late – but not that the president started by asking rhetorically why Sessions didn’t replace McCabe.

I assume tweets like these will continue indefinitely until Sessions quits?

Yes. If Trump fires Sessions, then it’s an admission that he made a mistake. The Presidential Ego cannot tolerate the idea that he may make major errors.

It’s also an admission that someone who looks the part can’t play the part, which is apparently important to Trump.

Finally, it’s an admission that someone of an ideology compatible with Trump is an incompetent, and while that’s hardly damning of an entire movement – incompetents abound regardless of ideology, something which ideologues and voters should remember regardless of position – it’s still a problem when Trump thinks he’s picked the best and Sessions turns out to be useless to Trump’s needs. And may end up being one of the least distinguished AG’s in American history.

Gotta wonder what Trump’s like on the golf course. Probably blames his clubs for everything.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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